Thursday, November 28, 2019

How important was the part played by the third estate in the french revolution up to 1793 free essay sample

To convoke this Assembly of Notables was to do exactly what ought not to have been done at that moment: it was exactly the half-measure which on one side made the National Assembly inevitable, and on the other hand inspired distrust of the Court and hatred of the two privileged orders, the nobility and the clergy. Through that Assembly it was learned that the national debt had mounted up to sixteen hundred and forty-six millions — an appalling sum at that time — and that the annual deficit was increasing by one hundred and forty millions annually. And this in a country ruined as France was! It came to be known — every one talked of it and after every one had talked about it, the Notables, drawn from the upper classes and practically a ministerial assembly, separated on May 25 without having done or decided anything. During their deliberations Calonne was replaced by Lomenie de Brienne, Archbishop of Sens. We will write a custom essay sample on How important was the part played by the third estate in the french revolution up to 1793 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But the new minister, by his intrigues and his attempted severity, only succeeded in stirring up the parlements, in provoking widely spread riots when he wished to disband them, and in exciting public opinion still more against the Court. When he was dismissed on August 25, 1788, there was general rejoicing all over France. But as he had proved clearly the impossibility of despotic government there was nothing for the Court but to submit. On August 8, 1788, Louis XVI. was at last obliged to convoke the States-General, and to fix the opening for May I, 1789. Even in this the Court and Necker, who was recalled to the ministry in 1788, managed so as to displease every one. It was the general opinion in France that in the States-General, in which the three classes would be separately represented, the Third Estate ought to have twice as many members as the two others, and that the voting should be by individuals. But Louis XVI. and Necker were opposed to this, and even convoked a second Assembly of Notables on November 6, 1788, which would, they were sure, reject the doubling of numbers in the Third Estate and the individual vote. This was exactly what happened; but in spite of that, public opinion had been so predisposed in favour of the Third Estate by the provincial Assemblies that Necker and the Court were obliged to give in. The Third Estate was granted a double representation — that is to say, out of a thousand deputies the Third would have as many as the clergy and nobility combined. In short, the Court and Necker did everything they possibly could to turn public opinion against them, without gaining any advantage for themselves. The Court’s opposition to the convocation of a national representative Assembly was in vain. The States-General met at Versailles on May 5, 1789.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Individual Management and Leadership Plan The WritePass Journal

Individual Management and Leadership Plan Introduction Individual Management and Leadership Plan ). This would mean that not only is goal-setting beneficial for the organisation but for the people working on these goals as well. Increasing my preference for team work over individual work in accomplishing goals Since leadership is about leading people, individual work is not the paramount aspect of goal achievement, but teamwork. In a team, people work together towards achieving desired goals, have full and sufficient understanding in the importance of these goals, how these goals may be achieved successfully, and what each one and the whole team may contribute to their successful achievement. If the leader and even the team members are more focused on working individually rather than as a team, the essence of teamwork is lost. (Ricketts and Ricketts (2011) indicate that working as a team is more effective than working individually; thus, the motivation to utilise teamwork and the various literature on the importance of this concept (e.g. Dyer, Dyer, and Dyer, 2007; Morgeson, Reider, and Campion, 2005; Valle and Witt, 2001).   Since the results of my Four Temperaments Personality Test indicate that I have an extraverted temperament, this temperament would help in my ability to build team work.   The result of my Four Temperaments Personality Test on the phlegmatic aspect, specifically self-indulgence, is a good point to consider in my current preference for individual work over team work. On the other hand, since my dominant sanguine and choleric propensities show that I am inclined to being extraverted, this preference is likely to be changed with ease, given such initial knowledge for its imperative change. Heneman and Greenberger (2002) state that the facilitation of team work is through the efforts of some extraverted individuals. Placing the Plan in an Organisational or Industry Context/Strategy Having accomplished the plan, the next step would be to place this in an organisational or industry context, creating clear links to organisational strategies. First of all, leadership is an important concept in the success of an organisation, which is why organisations always gear for effective leadership or management in the workplace. Leadership is different from seniority or one’s position in the hierarchy of his or her organisation. It is an influential relationship that takes place between a leader and his/her followers as they pursue certain changes or objectives that mirror shared meanings, purposes, and strategies (Mills, Mills, Forshaw, et al., 2007). The potential skills and limitations, on which the plan has been established, will eventually add up to my series of strengths identified by the Belbin Test. After implementing the plan, the expected outcomes for me would be above-average interpersonal skills, ability to communicate with others with relative ease, improved team-based problem solving ability, setting many goals for team projects, and increased preference for team work over individual work. These skills are useful in an organisational context; specifically in managing people where the leader/manager needs to unify his/her team towards successful goal attainment. By being able to work in a team and foster good communication skills, problem solving ability, and other skills thus cited as my strengths, I and my team would together work on the necessary aspects of several tasks, which we are responsible to accomplish. The retail industry is the specific industry context on which the plan is placed. This industry is characterised by several challenges in attaining competitive advantage because of the presence of new entrants, substitute products, bargaining power of customers and suppliers, and rivalry between existing competitors (Stonehouse, Campbell, Hamill, et al., 2004).   These challenges serve as a factor for my pursuit for effective leadership and team roles, on which the plan is established. My ability to effectively resolve conflict with teammates and to plan and coordinate with them plays a significant role in smooth working relationships within the team. This importance is further seen in the claim that conflict and lack of team coordination serve as a barrier to attaining desired goals (e.g. Lencion, 2012; Rout and Omiko, 2007). Moreover, my improved interpersonal skills will enable me to communicate my ideas more effectively across people and departments. It has been noted that inte rpersonal skills refer to analytical and decision-making skills (Grant et al, 2010), which means that my possession of these skills will aid my team and the organisation in addressing the competition that retail companies commonly experience.   These together with my improved ability to communicate with others with relative ease, improved team-based problem-solving ability, setting many goals, and increased preference for team work over individual work – will help the company develop strategies for competitive advantage. Incorporating Appropriate Professional Reflection at Relevant Intervals This research has enabled me to identify my own strengths, limitations, and potential skills in leadership and team roles. Apparently, I had no prior ideas of these skills and limitations on a systematic basis, but the Belbin Test and the Four Temperaments Personality Test enabled me to find out approximately what these skills are. I certainly have an initial knowledge of myself, but these tests confirmed them and even added some more which I was not very aware of, such as my satisfactory level of my interpersonal skills, a need to communicate with others with relative ease, a need to improve my team-based problem-solving ability, and my inclination to set only a few goals instead of many goals for team projects. Some of the skills that I am already aware of are effective conflict resolution and ability to plan and coordinate with teammates. Moreover, the Four Temperaments Personality Test made me understand the ease that the potential skills and limitations may be improved. This is because of my dominant combination of sanguine, choleric, and melancholic temperaments, which have positive traits for leadership abilities (e.g. extraversion, being a people-person, optimism, and enthusiasm, being task-oriented, being competition-focused, and being success-specific and strong leadership skills). A further realisation that I have derived from this exercise is the importance of knowing oneself – strengths, skills, abilities, potentials, and limitations – since such knowledge serves as a prelude to being able to manage teams and the organisation as a whole. By being able to systematically identify my strengths, I have been personally assured of my abilities. By being able to also systematically identify my potentials and limitations, I have found out the areas that need improvement. These limitations and potentials allow me to better focus on what I must take an effort to improve on, whilst seeing them as a way for constructive criticism. In addition, no effective leader can function without self-realising his own strengths, skills, and limitations since only when he/she has fully realised them can they be able to function more effectively.   Conclusion This paper has provided an investigation of one’s own individual management and leadership plan, using such diagnostic tools as the Belbin test and the Four Temperaments Personality Test. These tools helped identify and own my individual leadership development requirements. Through the Belbin Test, certain strengths were thus identified along with the potential skills and limitations. The Four Temperaments Personality Test also identified the dominant temperaments that helped in the assessment of one’s leadership propensities and abilities. The plan for development of the skills is centered on improving my interpersonal skills from satisfactory level to above-average level; increasing my ability to communicate with others with relative ease; improving team-based problem-solving ability; setting several goals for team projects instead of only a few ones; and increasing my preference for team work over individual work in accomplishing goals. The retail industry is the specific industry context on which the plan is placed. A professional reflection is conducted, focused on how the entire work is done. References Adair, J. (2007) Develop Your Leadership Skills. London: Kogan Page. Banhegyi, s. (2007) Fresh Perspectives: Management. Cape Town: Pearson Education South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Butterfield, J. (2011) Illustrated Course Guides: Teamwork and Team Building. Mason, OH: Course Technology Cengage Learning. Dyer, W. G., Dyer, W, G., and Dyer, J. H. (2007) Team Building: Proven Strategies for Improving Team Performance. NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Gallos, J.   (2008) Business Leadership: A Jossey-Bass Reader. NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Givens, R. J. (2008) Transformational Leadership: The Impact on Organizational and Personal Outcomes. Emerging Leadership Journeys, 1 (1), 4-24. Grant, M., Rothstein, G., and Burke, R. (2010) Self-Management and Leadership Development. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Heneman, R. L. and Greenberger, D. B. (2002) Human Resource Management in Virtual Organizations. US: Information Age Publishing Inc. How Much Do I (2014) What Is My Personality Type? Four Temperaments Personality Test. Retrieved on May 10, 2014 from Kandula, S. R. (2006) Performance Management: Strategies, Interventions, Drivers. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. Kezar, A. J. (2009) Rethinking Leadership in a Complex, Multicultural, and Global Environment. Sterling Virginia: Stylus Publishing. LLC. Larkin, D. (2010) Rethinking Leadership† New Look at Old Leadership Questions. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Lencion, P. (2012) The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: Intact Teams Participant Workbook. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer. Lussier, R. N. (2012) Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, Skill Development. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Michealsen, L. K., Sweet, M., and Parmelee, D. X. (2008) Team-Based Learning: Small Group Learning’s Next Big Step. New York: Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Mills, J. C., Mills, J. B., Forshaw, C., and Bratton, J. (2007) Organizational Behaviour in a Global Context. Plymouth, UK: NBN International. Morgeson, F. P., Reider, M. H., and Campion, M. A. (2005) Selecting Individuals in Team Settings: The Importance of Social Skills, Personality Characteristics, and Teamwork Knowledge. Personnel Psychology, 58 (3), 583-611. Nohria, N. and Khurana, R. (2010) Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice: An HBS Centennial Colloquium. US: Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. Psych Tests (2014) Team Roles Test. Retrieved on May 10, 2014 from Quenk, N. L. (2009) Essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment. NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Rainey, H. G. (2009) Understanding and Managing Public Organizations. NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Ricketts, C. and Ricketts, J. (2011) Leadership: Personal Development and Career Success. Mason, OH: DELMAR Cengage Learning. Riding, R. J. and Rayner, S. (2001) Self Perception. Westport: Ablex Publishing. Robinson, V. (2011) Student-Centered Leadership. NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Rout, E. and Omiko, N. (2007) Corporate Conflict Management: Concepts and Skills. New Delhi: PHI Learning Private Limited. Stonehouse, G., Campbell, D., Hamill, J., and Purdie, T. (2004) Global and Transnational Business: Strategy and Management. Second Edition. NJ: John Wiley Sons. Valle, M. and Witt, L. A. (2001) The Moderating Effect of Teamwork Perceptions on the Organizational Politics-Job Satisfaction Relationship. The Journal of Social Psychology, 141 (3), 379-388.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Read the article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Read the article - Essay Example The thing to be kept in mind is that the economic constraints forcing the Liberals to raise tuition fee in Quebec are very different from those in Chile. Somehow, the writer is perhaps trying to link the unpopularity of the Chilean government with the Charest government in Quebec. In the first paragraph, the writer seems to be realistic and fact based while elaborating on acts of vandalism and mass protests being attributed to a large proportion of the students in Quebec. It becomes amply clear in the second paragraph that the education funding in Quebec is right now undergoing many changes. Now, the big question that needs to be asked is that had the students in Quebec tolerated this change, if it was led in by some other government than that of Mr. Charest? In that context, the Liberals come out in a positive light in the sense that they are willing to lead and manage change in consonance with the imminent economic realities in the province. Perhaps, this also leads to the conclusion that Parti Quà ©bà ©cois (PQ) is pro status quo and intends to grab power by pandering to the youth sentiment. It is amply clear that Quebec faces a huge budgetary deficit and hence needs to cut down on the government spending. However, is it that the government intends to make the best of this situation by fomenting the youth sentiment or is it that it is sincere in its intentions of cutting down on the budgetary deficit by initiating austerity measures in other aspects of the government spending also? The one other thing that needs to be asked is that why the successive governments in Quebec continued to resort to populist measures, as far as the funding of university education is concerned and why did they not initiate the austerity measures well in advance? Why now only? The steps taken by the Liberal government to manage student unrest seem to be reasonable, logical and understandable. The

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Financial markets and institution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial markets and institution - Essay Example A good combination of a well-developed financial market and a diversified financial instrument and products sufficiently provides for the needs of lenders and borrowers, and hence improve the overall economy. For instant, financial institutions like banks have special roles to play for multiple companies that are in need of funds. Banks can contribute to prevent the effect of a sudden economic shock that might affect their customers. The banking industry always stands ready to provide their clients with financial aid even in difficult circumstances, like when the liquidity of financial market dries up. They are the financial intermediaries that add cost to the allocation of capital. In addition, some economic projects can be financed by financial institutions such as banks in cases where the market cannot finance such projects. Big financial markets which have lots of financial and trading activity ensure that more liquid funds are provided to the market participant than in smaller markets. Most assets of financial market are liquid which may sometimes have secondary market to ensure that the existing financial asset transfer occur at a very low cost (Willem, 2001). The effective flow of finance in a given market ensures that the market participants are able to provide their goods and services effectively and therefore ensures an improved economic growth of the given country. Commercial banks are the most diversified and largest financial intermediaries due to the enormous range of liabilities and assets that they hold. Most of their liabilities are always in the form of saving deposits, time deposit and various types of checks. The type of assets that commercial banks hold are the securities of the various denominations and forms, which include consumer loans, mortgage loans, loans that are given to the state and the local government. These banks are the most

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Discussion 8 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion 8 - Article Example The university philosophy promotes cultural diversity. Students from diverse cultural backgrounds get the opportunity to meet and interact with each other. This enables the students to provide health care services to diverse groups irrespective of race or ethnicity (FIU, 2015). Moreover, the philosophy enables the students to play critical roles in overcoming the healthcare challenges of the ever-changing world. Entering the workforce, students are able to work excellently in their roles and cooperate with other health professionals in providing patients with a complete variety of care. The Florida International University has developed a strategic plan to enhance student learning and academic excellence. The strategic plan also enhances the quality, quantity and impact of research and creative initiatives to help in solving health care problems within the society. The nurses are able to link research to local economic development in providing quality health services to the community. The University has human and material resources that promote learning and achieving nursing goals. The resources fund research and training projects that are domineering in promoting health services delivery to the society. Furthermore, the institution evaluates the trained nurses to ensure that they deliver exceptional health care services to the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Ethical Debates on Music Sharing

Ethical Debates on Music Sharing To file share or not to file share? That is the question. Should free music off the internet be legal? Who is in the right- Napster or the music industry? There are some of the topics I hoped to discuss when I invited four journalists to my house to debate the controversial issue of online music. Ding-dong! â€Å"Uh-oh†, I think, wiping my hands on a paper towel. â€Å"They must be here early.† Its six-thirty, my guests arent due to arrive until seven, and I am already a half-hour behind. The lobsters are still boiling on the stove, the chunky potatoes are rock-hard and my spinach salad lies in pieces all over the kitchen floor. Things arent off to such a good start. I am supposed to be hosting a small, informal discussion tonight with a few journalists. The topic of the forum concerns the recent legal uproar about online music organizations such as Napster, Morpheus and Kazaa. I have invited a variety of people; some of whom have clashing opinions. I am looking forward to a heated and intellectual discussion; which will be good because I am planning on writing a book on the subject of online music. I havent decided yet whose side I am on; the music industry or the internet music providers. Hopefully, tonights discussion will provide me with some insight as to which side to stand on. Or maybe, I wont have to choose a side†¦who knows? As I walk to the front door, I cant help but feel just a little bit anxious, but excited at the same time. â€Å"I wonder who it is†¦who had the nerve to be fifteen minutes early?† I think to myself. I open the great oak door to find Tobey Grumet, a journalist from Popular Mechanics magazine. â€Å"Hows it going?† he asks casually as he walks through the entryway. â€Å"Its nice to finally meet you.† I say. I cant help but stare at him. I had heard that he was good looking, but geez! He has shoulder-length blonde hair that he has pulled back into a ponytail. He has chiseled features, but not too chiseled. He is wearing gray tweed pants that are only slightly baggy, a black woolen sweater and a hemp necklace. â€Å"Wow, nice place,† he remarks as he walks into my dining room. â€Å"Do you own this house?† â€Å"Yeah, I do..† I reply, shaking my head to get out of my trance. He follows me into the kitchen, and, seeing the state that it is in, offers to help me get ready. â€Å"Its a good thing I got here first. I dont think that Michael Miller would appreciate this†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he remarks as he is chopping up a tomato for the salad. â€Å"That guy is a total corporate pushover† he continues, his chopping getting a little bit more intense. I smile politely. I want to be completely impartial tonight, and I try very hard not to let what Tobey is saying affect my opinion of Michael Miller, a journalist a PC Magazine. We work in silence for about ten more minutes. By the time the doorbell rings again, the only thing left to do is drain the water out of the potato pot. â€Å"Thank you so much for all your help,† I exclaim as I walk to answer the door. â€Å"You are a lifesaver!† â€Å"No problem!† Tobey shouts after me. Who should be at the door, but Michael Miller. â€Å"Nice to meet you† he says to me in a grave manner. He is a short, thin man of about 45, with graying hair. His gray Armani suit looks a tad bit too big on him. â€Å"Goodness, Mr. Miller,† I exclaim. â€Å"You are making me feel like a bum in my jeans and turtleneck!† â€Å"Please,† he replies, â€Å"I apologize for the way Im dressed. You must forgive me; I just came from a journalists convention downtown. I didnt have time to change.† â€Å"No worries,† I assure him. One by one, they all arrive; Brian Smithers and Margaret Popper. We chat informally for a few minutes in the study over bourbon. I am mostly quiet, making mental observations of the ways my guests treat each other. For the most part, they seem to be enjoying each others company. Even Tobey seems to be getting along with Michael Miller. Next, my guests are all seated while I bring out the food. Our conversation starts out very formal. Then, I bring out the big question: â€Å"So, does anyone have any thoughts on the new online music providers like MUSICNET?† There is a short silence. My guests look at their plates, as if thinking about the best way to answer the question. I know all of them are thinking hard about the question; being journalists to major technology magazines, this kind of issue is a major obsession with them. It was finally Michael Miller who breaks the ice. â€Å"Well,† he says, putting down his fork, â€Å"I think its obvious that the Napsters of the world were breaking the law and cheating legitimate musicians out of money.† â€Å"Wait a second,† protests Tobey. â€Å"Dont you think its a little bit unfair to say that? Its not like the ‘musicians arent getting enough money anyways. And it isnt the musicians who are getting gypped, its the multi-million dollar music companies like BMG.† â€Å"The real issue isnt about money, its more about the reputations of musicians,† says Margaret Popper, a journalist at Business Week. She tucks her short brown bob cut back behind her ears. â€Å"Doesnt it concern anyone here that free online music allows people to essentially preview albums? Most people wont buy an album just for one song if they can listen to it beforehand for free. These online music providers are contributing to a complete decrease in album sales.† â€Å"Look,† says Brian Smithers, â€Å"you are all missing the point. Free online music is about more than just getting music. Did you ever stop to think that independent musicians use these providers to get out there? It is a fabulous resource for people who arent affiliated with the music industry giants like EMI and BMG.† I sit back and watch interested. So far, Ive got two for free online music, two against it. I ask another leading question. â€Å"Do you think it should be legal to create and share music files online for free?† Again, there is a slight pause. Brian Smithers raises his shaven head and replies, â€Å"Well, yes, absolutely. I mean, think about it. You are already paying for internet service. Why shouldnt the music be free? The internet is a place where everyone can come together and share things. It is a community. It should be free.† â€Å"No,† snaps Michael Miller, â€Å"the music that is shared online is part of an industry. An industry has a major goal to make a lot of money. How are industries supposed to make any money, and keep the economy going, if people can get music for free? It is cheating them out of money.† Brian looks directly at Miller with a glare in his eyes. His eyebrow ring glints in the light. â€Å"This is exactly what I am talking about. People who are obsessed with corporate America. Well, I hate to break it to you, but life isnt all about corporations. Its the little people who matter too.† â€Å"Whoa, hold on there partner!† exclaims Miller. â€Å"I am not suggesting that. But when something is copyrighted, by law that copyright cannot be broken. Its a legal thing.† As the night wears on, the conversation grows more and more heated. My guests remain stubborn and stick to their original points until it is time for them to go. As the last car drives off down the street, I head to the kitchen to wash dishes. My mind starts to wander. Napster launched in early 1999. It was the first of its kind; the idea and technology for sharing music files online had never been dreamed of before. (Brown) It quickly became wildly popular; after all, what music listener could argue with free music? Soon after its emergence, several other Napster copy-cats came onto the scene. Also soon after its launch, the Recording Industry Association of America made Napster its â€Å"public enemy number 1† (Brown). Napster was the first to be hit with claims of illegality by the music industry. According to Janelle Brown in her article on, bands such as Metallica complained that they were being cheated out of copyright money, and they claimed that CD sales were dropping. The Supreme Court ultimately decided that the music industry was correct to demand that Napster shut down (Brown). One by one, the music industry and the courts put a stop to all free online music. Napster wanna-bes continue to emerge, but they will be br ought to court sooner or later and receive the same fate as Napster. Although the ruling has been made final, there are still many activists who continue to argue the validity of free online music. My guests on both sides had brought up valid points. But in order to write my book, I realize I would have to take a side. This was not a black and white issue. I think about the opposing sides. I definitely agree with Michael Miller about the legalities of free online music. Copyrights are protected under the law. But, on the other hand, it is very difficult to monitor what goes onto the internet. There are plenty of things on the internet that are supposedly protected under copyright laws, but they are still there and can be accessed for free. No one is bothering to go to the Supreme Court over these things. I dont think that it should be different for music. Additionally, Margaret Poppers point that free online music hurts musicians reputations is very hard to swallow for me. I dont believe that big name bands like Metallica care about their reputations as much as they care about milking as much money as they can. The same goes for companies like EMI and BMG. Brian Smithers had br ought up an interesting point about the internet being a community. I think about how this remark could potentially add to my book. The idea that the internet is increasingly replacing traditional social settings has always been a topic of major interest to me. I find it fascinating how much things can change over time, yet not really change. People are still communicating with each other and participating in a community, but many have found a different medium for doing so: the internet. Instead of sitting around in a coffee shop discussing the latest popular album that everyone just has to buy; now people can congregate on the internet. Most online file-sharing sites have a place where you can talk to people and share your opinions on the music. The more I think about it, I also like the idea of being able to preview an album before I actually decide to buy it. There are a lot of albums out there that, in my opinion, only have one good song on them. I dont want to be throwing seventeen dollars down the drain if I can save that money by realizing beforehand that the album might not be very good. I dont think that this is the case a lot of the time. Most likely people will preview an album and then decide that they really like it, so they will go out and buy it. If anything, being able to preview an album is a good thing because it puts pressure on mainstream musicians and record companies to produce the finest work they can. Most songs on an album are â€Å"filler songs†, that is they are there simply to take up space on the album, and arent usually very good. Ive come to the conclusion that I will write my book on the advantages of online music file-sharing. Before I started this project, I really didnt have strong feelings either way about online file-sharing. I have used free sharing, such as Kazaa and now Lime Wire, but I never stopped to think about what I was doing. I did have more of a bias towards favoring online file-sharing, but mostly because it allowed me to download music for free. I also never knew very much about the Napster court case. To me, that was the defining moment of sort of the end of free music downloads. I knew that Napster was going to not be free anymore, but I didnt know why. Now I know the specifics of the case, and I favor Napsters side. As an avid music lover, and a consumer, I think I have the right to listen to music for free before I go out and buy it. It might decrease CD sales by a small percentage, but the music industry is still huge. And perhaps putting musicians on the spot by listening to their songs for free and then deciding whether or not to buy their album is a good thing. It puts more pressure on them to spend time making their music as good as it possibly can be. I think that the most compelling argument for me was Tobey Grumet. He argues that the controversy, although it is claimed to be about reputations, is more about money. This is absolutely true the more you think about it. Many little band names do not have a problem with free file sharing. It is the very popular bands signed under big label names, like Metallica, that are causing an uproar. I dont see how their songs being on Napster is harmful to their reputation. If anything, its good because it means that people like their songs. It doesnt harm their reputations as musicians; it more than likely helps it and allows them to be recognized as a very influential band in the history of modern rock music. My sources, I think, were all very legitimate. They all came from magazines that our library subscribes to. is most likely biased towards free online file sharing, but the information that I got from them was purely fact-based, like when Napster was launched and so forth. I think that I got a good variety of journalists opinions on the issue of online file-sharing. Each of them had to take an opinion on the subject because it is part of their job. And, for the most part, I dont believe there was any kind of prior incentive to their taking one side or the other. Each of them has an extensive technological background and I think they looked at the issue pretty objectively. I learned a lot about online music from this project. I never realized what an important part of the technology community it plays. It is fun to download free music, rate it, and perhaps even discuss it with fellow music lovers. And it is convenient and thrifty to be able to check out albums before you decide to buy them. My final decision is that online music is a positive aspect of the internet that I hope, somehow, will continue to remain free and entertain music lovers through the means of the internet.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Allegory of the Cave?? in Different Perspectives :: essays research papers

 ¡Ã‚ §The Allegory of the Cave ¡Ã‚ ¨ in Different Perspectives  ¡Ã‚ §The Allegory of the Cave, ¡Ã‚ ¨ written by Plato, is an interpretation of a conversation between Socrates, Plato ¡Ã‚ ¦s mentor, and Glaucon, one of Socrates students.  ¡Ã‚ §The Allegory of the Cave ¡Ã‚ ¨ can be interpreted several different ways. Imagine men in a cave chained up by their necks and legs, forcing them to only look forward at a wall. An opening behind them lets the light in. Above the burning fire and chains, there is a road. Have these chained men ever seen anything else of themselves or others beyond the cave ¡Ã‚ ¦s shadows made by the fire? Some people would say the truth is only perceived by the shadows seen on the walls of the cave. What if one of these men ¡Ã‚ ¦s chains were taken off and he was free to leave? Would the man feel pain when seeing the real world? Would he be confused on believing what is real? Would it make a difference if the chained man was briefly educated about what he was going to see first? Perhaps he would understand and not be confused about what is real. Will the man think what he saw before was much more real than what he sees now? Questions like these will bring different opinions and meaning to  ¡Ã‚ §The Allegory of the Cave. ¡Ã‚ ¨ Whose interpretation, if any, is correct when explaining the meaning of  ¡Ã‚ §The Allegory of the Cave ¡Ã‚ ¨? Does it have mathematical meaning, explain a vision of the whole world, or is it just a comparison to the field of social work? I personally feel that  ¡Ã‚ §The Allegory of the Cave ¡Ã‚ ¨ is a great explanation of how people in the world live. People are just like the men chained inside the cave, people only know and believe what he or she might have seen. Outside of the cave is the world around us. People are very narrow minded beings, a persons perception on life is only from their own experiences. When the chained men are let free is when people finally realize what is going on in the world and not just what is around them.  ¡Ã‚ §The Allegory of the Cave ¡Ã‚ ¨ can be interpreted with different meanings, such as Michael O ¡Ã‚ ¦Leary ¡Ã‚ ¦s theory of the cave being a place away from the world. Michael O ¡Ã‚ ¦Leary believes  ¡Ã‚ §The Allegory of the Cave ¡Ã‚ ¨ is Plato ¡Ã‚ ¦s explanation of the education of the soul towards enlightenment.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Palliser Funiture Essay

Nowadays, Palliser Furniture Ltd. is a leading North American furniture company with local manufacturing facilities in Canada and Mexico, and they are dedicated to leader ship in design, service and customer value in the furniture industry. With a general agreement among manufacturers and retailers that the key success factors were: overall product quality and customer service, quick delivery and appropriate price, and innovative design. Palliser furniture did a good job on all of the aspects. Palliser outsources the raw leather from Brazil because Brazil has the best source of leather in the world. Also the raw leather was delivered from Brazil to Mexico to process such as cutting and swing which lower the cost of the furniture. The quality of the resources and powerful supplier is add-value for the value chain of the firm, and it can have a big impact on more efficiently integrating the activities within the firm. The quick delivery was another strategy for Palliser, which can be considered as a competitive advantage for the company. Compare with the rivals the Palliser is more focused on custom business, and was able to charge a slight premium for the service which directly eliminate customer’s inventory cost. This operation strategy is more flexible in terms of time and diversity. The design team of Palliser is passionate about the subtleties of style, and the collections reflect a carefully considered selection of pieces that represent quality feature extensive choice and impart innovation. Also, the developers carefully source and test materials to meet Palliser Furniture’s high standard for durability, safety and value. Overall, each department is integration through the whole company, which shows the management in Palliser Furniture Ltd is successful and effective as well.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Inspiring and Celebratory 40th Birthday Quotes

Inspiring and Celebratory 40th Birthday Quotes Your 40th birthday welcomes you into grand middle age- or as some like to think of it, the sweet spot. This decade doesnt have the casual immaturity of youth, nor does it have the constant dependency of old age. Gone are the days when you are busy settling in your marriage or career, and youve long said goodbye to the angst-filled teenage years and the roller-coaster ride of your twenties. At forty, you have earned your place in the sun. You have carved yourself a niche and established your identity. Enjoy your fortieth turn around the sun in quiet reflection on four decades of a beautiful life, starting with these age-appropriate quotes. Famous Quotes About Turning 40 Benjamin FranklinAt twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment. Helen RowlandWhat most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy. AnonymousAt the age of twenty, we dont care what the world thinks of us; at thirty, we worry about what it is thinking of us; at forty, we discover that it wasnt thinking of us at all. Arthur SchopenhauerThe first forty years of life give us the text: the next thirty supply the commentary. Helen RowlandLife begins on your 40th birthday. But so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person, three or four times. George Bernard ShawEvery man over forty is a scoundrel. Edward YoungBe wise with speed; a fool at forty is a fool indeed. French ProverbForty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age. CiceroThis wine is forty years old. It certainly doesnt show its age.(Latin: Hoc vinum Falernum annorum quadragenta est. Bene aetatem fert.) Colleen McCulloughThe lovely thing about being forty is that you can appreciate twenty-five-year-old men. Maya AngelouWhen I passed forty I dropped pretense, cause men like women who got some sense. Laura RandolphIf life really begins on your 40th birthday, its because thats when women finally get it†¦ the guts to take back their lives. James ThurberWomen deserve to have more than twelve years between the ages of twenty eight and forty. Samuel BeckettTo think, when one is no longer young, when one is not yet old, that one is no longer young, that one is not yet old, that is perhaps something. W.  B. PitkinLife begins at forty.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Results from the 2010 Census essayEssay Writing Service

Results from the 2010 Census essayEssay Writing Service Results from the 2010 Census essay Results from the 2010 Census essayThe article in question is divided into several parts, each exploring on different topics related to the census of 2010 and its future perspectives. The authors of the article investigate such issues as the changes in the US population, increasing racial and minority diversity as well as state and local population changes. The article represents a full-fledged analysis of different issues concerning the US population and its growth. It also deeply covers the issues of minorities in this regard. It is known that every 10 years the US conducts a census to see the changes in the state population (Mather, Pollard, and Jacobsen 3). Thus, the next census will be completed in 2020. It seems like there is a lot of time ahead, but in reality time goes by extremely fast. The authors of the article answer such questions as where the population of the US has increased and what proportion of the country’s population belongs to the ethnic and racial minorit ies.In this relation, it needs to be said that such census is evidently one of the most important issues for the US of today as more and more representatives of other race or ethnicity immigrate to the country for different reasons, mainly in search of prosperity and better living and working conditions. Thus, the number of minorities is ever increasing. The article summarizes the major findings of the 2010 Census. It states that the census conducted in the nearest past included a slightly different range of questions provided to the US citizens in comparison with the censuses that were carried out decades earlier. The results of the census showed that the population of the US has grown to 300 million people (Mather, Pollard, and Jacobsen 5). However, the authors of the article claim that the pace, at which the population of the US has grown, was traced to be considerably slower than that of the previous years.However, according to the article, the census conducted in 2010 was not a ccurate enough. Thus, it has been historically viewed as a survey with inaccurate coverage often missing minorities and children (Mather, Pollard, and Jacobsen 6). The 2010 Census was not an exception. As for the minorities, it needs to be admitted that according to the data obtained through the census, the Latino population has grown 43% in comparison with the previous decade (Mather, Pollard, and Jacobsen 7). In general, it is evident that the growth of minority population is ever increasing and this trend is likely to continue in future. The census also shows that the increase of the Asian population will also take place in the proceeding decades.As for my personal point of view, I consider that the demographic situation in the US has a tendency to constantly change and there can be no clear perspectives as for the future alterations in the population of the country. We can only suggest that some changes will take place, but in reality, it is hard to say whether our suggestions w ill be 100% true as even the most accurate census does not guarantee total coverage. In general, it can be predicted that the minority population of the US will continue to grow along with the number of immigrants who are likely to become future citizens of the country. I consider that carrying out censuses like the one that was conducted in 2010 is of great importance as it is vital to constantly monitor the demographic situation in the country. I should also say that I agree with the authors of the article that the number of children and population in general will increase at a rapid speed and might grow to â€Å"one-third of a billion people†

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Business plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Business plan - Coursework Example This will be on peak hours of the day, that is, mornings and evenings from Monday to Saturday. During the day time, the buses will ferry passengers within the city. The buses will make as many trips as possible. The operation starts from 5.00 am to 11.00pm. This is because many city residents work at extreme times of the day and all should be accommodated. This will assure the company stable market all the time. It is approximated that 18,000 people accessing the town every day. Some of them use personal cars, others buses and taxis while the majority on foot. The available transport vehicles have taken the opportunity of scarcity and escalated the fares making the ordinary citizens walk to and fro the city daily. Nevertheless, their condition is pathetic. In order to reach many customers, the city track bus service will prepare business cards and brochures showing the services offered and the location of the company. To reach many customers, the company will introduce online services. This include creation of the company website, use of Facebook and twitter and even internet. This will enable other customers, especially those who want to hire for private use or other functions, to access the services. There will be a central office where the company manages its operations. The long distant travelers will book for their tickets to facilitate effective service. The company will fix bus stations on all routes. The passengers gather at the bus stops for easy service delivery. As the company grows, the buses will be fixed with modern flat-screen TV sets. This will entertain the passengers as the travel. Apart from this, music systems shall be amalgamated. This strategy has not been employed by the existing companies. The city track company will have centralized management system with the manager having full control over them. The central office located within the town will include

Friday, November 1, 2019

Free Will Unit4 DB Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Free Will Unit4 DB - Assignment Example My argument is empiricist. It is supported by some evidence including Psychiatric illness like Schizophrena whose findings after studies suggest a remarkably high degree of influence of genetics, mostly evidence that is additive with no shared influence of the environment. Mental ability, where the IQ is only governed by the environment at an early age, but genetic influence increases gradually while the effects of the shared environment drop to zero. Social attitudes, where studies reveal that environmental influence on conservatism is only up to the age 19 after which genetic influences takes change (Bouchard & Thomas, 2004). My argument is based on findings from different researches taken by different institutions and which focuses on different areas. I have also provided supporting evidence of those findings. Therefore, my conclusion is that genetics affect the human personality and physiology more than the environment does and given that this argument is empiricist the freedom to choose among the two is restricted to a single option being genetics. Baker C. (2004) Behavioral Genetics: An introduction to how genes and environments interact through development to shape differences in mood, personality and intelligence. Retrieved March 4, 2013 from